Perspectieven overbruggen: Inzichten van de Kickoff Conferentie Crafting Resilience

Perspectieven overbruggen: Inzichten van de Kickoff Conferentie Crafting Resilience

Lina Le Pelley

28 april 2023

Tijdens de Crafting Resilience Kick-off conferentie waren er open en actieve discussies. Onderzoekers en professionals uit verschillende vakgebieden en landen werkten samen om de belangrijke ideeën van het Crafting Resilience onderzoeksproject te verkennen

Lees het uitgebreide verslag (in het Engels) van de kickoff conferentie Crafting Resilience.

Four Quick Takeaways from the Kickoff Conference

Four quick takeaways from the Kick-off Conference - Inequality is a multidimensional issue, and policies must address interlocking oppressions rather than simplified, single-issue approaches. - The term "resilience" has been manipulated to fit a neoliberal agenda and must be critically examined. - Social work and welfare are important, but critical capacities must be built to prevent the reproduction of problematic and hegemonic relations. - Prefigurative politics involves "acting as if the world we inhabit was otherwise" and offers radical potential for utopian critical thinking and the transformation of practices.