Yannick Drijfhout

Yannick Drijfhout PhD Candidate

Social Resilience as Political Practice

Yannick Drijfhout is a PhD candidate with Crafting Resilience. His research focuses on ethno-racially diverse neighborhoods as the locus where resilience approaches are enacted. 

Dutch social domain policies intend to actively construct or mobilize communities of residents to cooperate with state actors or tackle local issues. Simultaneously, collectivity is viewed as fragile, non-existent, or problematic, which is articulated through an alleged lack of social cohesion or social capital in certain urban neighborhoods. In his research, Yannick examines how collectivity is crafted in programs and initiatives that are shaped by governing-through-community policies.

Yannick received his MSc from the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity.