Wiebe Ruijtenberg

Wiebe Ruijtenberg PostDoc

Research & Security

Wiebe Ruijtenberg is a postdoctoral researcher at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society at the Leiden Law School (VVI). Previously, he conducted research with Egyptians in Amsterdam. In his dissertation, he draws on that research to bring to light the social-material inequalities that migration and immigration policies writ large bring about.

As part of research line three of the Crafting Resilience project, Wiebe investigates the Dutch policy term “confused” or “un-understood behavior” in his research project "Confusing Citizenship: The making up of confusion in the Netherlands". Where did this term come from? How has it been institutionalized? And, how does it shape the everyday lives of security, care, and social professionals and the people known to be confused? What dilemmas are they working through, how do they interact, and what kind of relations emerge as a result? He will conduct this research in the municipality of Dordrecht with different kinds of professionals, and people are known to be confused for various reasons.