Didier Boost

Didier Boost PostDoc

Didier Boost is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in social work. He is associated to the the University of Amsterdam (Geography, Planning and International Development Studies) as a researcher, but is also involved as a guest professor for the Master of Social Work at the University of Antwerp. 

Throughout his previous research, he explored empirically, but also theoretically how social work – understood as a human rights profession – contributes to social change for and with people at the margins of society. To this end, he conducted research in dialogue with various practices, including intercultural mediators for Roma in education, projects aimed at overcoming the non-take-up of rights and poverty, and medical humanitarianism with undocumented people. In addition, he also currently supervises students in sociological research on youth homelessness. 

As part of research line two, he will explore how social justice, human rights and politicization take shape and meaning in social work practices at the intersection between citizens and the state.