4 02 The Gluttonous State: upcoming Welfare Futures Seminar
Anouk de Koning will host the second edition of the Welfare Futures Seminar on February 4, 2025. In her talk 'The Gluttonous State: Remaking State and Society in the Netherlands', she argues that widespread policy desires for nearby, collaborative, and activating welfare programs generate a "gluttonous state".
Podcast ONBEGREPEN: Voices from a complex care landscape
The podcast series ONBEGREPEN offers an insightful exploration of the stories and challenges faced by individuals with complex care needs, as well as the perspectives of professionals and policymakers involved in their care. Hosted by Wiebe Ruijtenberg, the series features conversations with members of the Team Toeleiding en Bemoeizorg in Dordrech (TT&B) in Dordrecht, those they support, and representatives from partner organizations such as the Municipality of Dordrecht, the Care & Disturbance Hotline, the police, and regional mental health institutions.
In vogelvlucht door de historie van samenlevingsopbouw
Jeroen Gradener en Jeanet de Jong hebben in het tijdschrift Sociaal Bestek het artikel 'In vogelvlucht door de historie van samenlevingsopbouw' geschreven. Hierin belichten ze de belangrijke rol van opbouwwerkers bij het versterken van gemeenschappen. Ze leggen uit hoe opbouwwerkers structurele problemen onder de aandacht brengen en lokale democratie stimuleren om veerkrachtige gemeenschappen te creëren, maar ook welke uitdagingen ze daarbij tegenkomen.